Miss Francia’s Home actively participates in raising awareness, for our local
community and our guests, about the importance of sustainable eco-tourism, and
of the adequate conservation of our island’s fragile ecosystem; it is pertinent to
note that we are located inside the Seaflower Biosphere designated by UNESCO.
The archipelago of San Andrés, Providence, and Santa Catalina holds immense
ecological wealth and diversity, and its native populations, the Raizales, possess
ethnic peculiarities which make them unique and makes them, in turn, enrich
Colombia’s diverse socio-political and cultural panorama. ​Per the Colombian
government’s request, UNESCO evaluated these characteristics utilizing specific
and specialized criteria. In the year 2000, our archipelago, all of its land and sea
included, was declared a UNESCO biosphere reserve for international recognition.
This entails that these Islands can -and must- implement models of economic and
social development tied to ecologically sustained usage of their natural resources,
with active participation from their community and all governments involved.
More than a hotel; Miss Francia’s home is a “Posada Nativa”; the literal translation being “Native Inn”, a term coined by the Colombian government to define a house that opens its doors as a hotel for tourists, served and tended to, by the homeowner themselves, who offer local dishes and cuisine, such as the renowned Rondón. This term is used to exclusively define these lodges of the Colombian Caribbean Archipelago.